The new school year was just about to start, and Sarah was super excited to be in Grade 4. It was time to buy new school supplies and uniforms. So, Sarah made a list of things she needed for the new academic year and gave it to her Mum. It was a long list and had a plethora of stationery items written on it.
Her Mum smiled as she read through it and asked Sarah, “Honey, what do you need these big scissors for?”
“Mum, I love my arts and crafts lessons. Miss Grace lets us cut the paper on our own if we are careful. I will use these scissors to learn some cutting techniques,” Sarah enthusiastically replied.
Her Mum could see the sparkle in Sarah’s eyes as Sarah talked about her new school year. Her voice got loud, and she spoke so speedily that her words started to blur out.
“Just two days to go, Sarah. Then you will be on your way to your new classroom”, Mum said.
“Hooray!” exclaimed Sarah.
The next day, Mum took Sarah and her little brother Murphy to buy new school shoes and stationery. Sarah got everything from her list and helped Murphy buy his school supplies, too. Then, they got their uniforms and shoes and returned home. Sarah took all her brand-new things to her room and started packing her bag. As she started putting the new stuff in, she found a bunch of things she had saved from last year. She also found her old books stacked up on a table. At dinner, she told her Mum that she had some old stuff that she needed to put in the store room. Sarah’s mother was not very excited about storing the things.
She asked Sarah, “What if we donate the books and other things to someone who needs them?”
“What a remarkable idea, Mum”, replied Sarah.
After dinner, Sarah started thinking of ways to donate the books to the right person. She came up with something and was eager to share it with her mother.
The following day, at the breakfast table, Sarah asked her mother, “Mum, what if we place a table outside, put everything on the table and write, ‘Take what you need, and drop off what you don’t need?’ That way, the table will have something at all times. People will keep on picking up and dropping off things according to their needs, and everyone will get a chance to be a part of this kindness exercise.”
Her Mum’s face lit with joy as she heard Sarah. She had never been as proud of her as she was at this very moment. She hugged her and told her it was a magnificent idea and that they should do it right after breakfast. By afternoon, Sarah and her Mum had put a table outside in the street with old books, uniforms and shoes. Ali also pooled in. By evening, people had already started the exchanges.
It was indeed an excellent idea and promoted kindness in their small community. Sarah went to school the next day, and her first day in the new class was as magical as she had imagined. She shared about her little Kindness Drive with her friends and teachers too. Everyone was impressed and wanted to be a part of the drive. In this way, Sarah and her community helped the ones in need without spending anything, just through a little act of kindness.
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