A long time ago, in a small, peaceful village, there lived a humble yet talented painter named John. Though his art was beautiful, he struggled to make ends meet. He painted houses, earning just two meagre meals a day. His honest spirit never wavered, but his heart longed for a breakthrough that would change his life.
One bright morning, as John was finishing a job, he received an unexpected invitation. The village’s wealthy landlord, Mr. Thompson, known for his stern nature, had called for him.
“Listen, John!” Mr. Thompson boomed. “I have an important task for you. Do you want to take it?”
Opportunity had finally knocked on John’s door, and he was filled with hope. “Of course, it would be an honour,” he replied eagerly, sensing that this could be the chance he had been waiting for. Mr Thompson led him to the riverbank, where a grand yet weathered boat rocked gently with the flow of the water.
“What will you charge for this job?” asked Mr. Thompson.
John inspected the boat carefully, noticing the wear and tear, but didn’t mention the hole he spotted on the side. “Fifteen dollars is my usual rate,” he answered modestly.
Mr. Thompson nodded in agreement, and John hurried back to fetch his brushes and paints.
As John started painting the boat, his brow furrowed with concern. The hole was larger than he thought. “If I paint the boat without repairing this hole, it will surely sink,” he thought. He pondered whether to ask for more money but ultimately decided to do the right thing. Without a second thought, he carefully mended the hole, ensuring the boat was safe for its next journey.
John spent the entire day fixing the hole and returned the next morning to finish painting the boat. By noon, the job was complete, and John proudly informed Mr. Thompson, who came to inspect the work. Mr. Thompson’s eyes widened in astonishment.
“You’ve done a splendid job!” he exclaimed. “Come by tomorrow to collect your payment.”
That evening, Mr. Thompson’s family excitedly boarded the newly painted boat for a delightful picnic by the river. They set off, laughing and singing, blissfully unaware of the disaster they had narrowly escaped.
Later that day, Mr. Thompson’s private secretary, Harris, returned from his holidays. He was surprised to find the house so quiet.
“Where is everyone?” he asked the butler, Mr. Collins.
“They’ve gone out on the boat,” Collins replied.
Harris’s face drained of colour. “Sir!” he cried, rushing to Mr. Thompson. “That boat had a huge hole in it—it could sink!”
Panic surged through Mr Thompson’s villa as he and Harris rushed to the riverbank, fearing the worst. But when the boat returned, he saw his family safe and sound, enjoying the evening breeze as if nothing had happened. A wave of relief washed over him, and he realized how close he had come to losing them.
The next day, Mr. Thompson summoned John again, but this time his tone was different. He handed the painter his agreed-upon payment and patted him on the back. Moreover, Mr. Thompson had been looking for someone trustworthy to manage his estate, and John’s selfless act made him realize that John was the right person for the job, so he also offered him a position as his House Steward.
John blinked in confusion. “Sir, this is too much! You’ve given me more than we agreed on.”
Mr. Thompson smiled, his voice soft with gratitude. “John, you saved my family’s lives. I didn’t know about the hole, but you fixed it anyway, without asking for extra. That’s not just hard work—that’s virtue. This reward is for your honesty, your kindness, and your incredible heart.”
Tears of joy welled in John’s eyes as he humbly accepted the reward. He thanked Mr. Thompson deeply and walked back to his modest home, his heart lighter than it had been in years.
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