Snow White’s life had always been a curious blend of light and shadow. The light came from her gentle, kind-hearted nature and her love for the simple things in life: sketching in her notebook, tending to her small indoor garden, and getting lost in the world of books. The shadow, however, came from her stepmother, Regina, a woman obsessed with appearances and control.
Regina was not just beautiful—she was striking, the kind of person whose presence could silence a room. A former fashion icon and the CEO of an influential beauty brand, she commanded admiration everywhere she set foot. However, beneath her apparent beauty, she had an insecure heart; she was constantly getting consumed by her obsession with being known as the most beautiful woman.
And on the other side of the spectrum was Snow White – an epitome of quiet, natural, and effortless beauty with expressive eyes, ebony hair, and pale skin. Despite being remarkably beautiful, it was her grace and an air of warmth that drew people to her. It was this quality of hers to effortlessly interact with people with a beaming smile on her face that lit the fire of contempt in Regina, and all of a sudden, Regina found herself in a ring with Snow White.
There was no limit to Regina’s vanity. Every aspect of her life was soaked in her pompousness and pride, even her most prized possession, the magical mirror. From tracking fashion trends and analyzing beauty metrics to being the source of Regina’s daily affirmations, it was no ordinary mirror but an AI-powered digital oracle. To Regina, it was no less than a virtual sage endorsing her beauty standards.
One morning, as Regina prepared for a high-profile gala, she asked the mirror her favorite question: “Who’s the most beautiful woman in the city?”
The mirror responded in its smooth, programmed voice, “For years, it has been you, Regina. But now, it is Snow White.”
Regina froze, her carefully styled hair falling out of place as she whipped around to glare at her reflection. “Snow White?” she repeated, the name tasting bitter on her tongue.
“Yes,” the mirror replied. “Her beauty, inside and out, surpasses yours.”
Rage simmered beneath Regina’s polished exterior. Snow White had to be removed, not just from the house but from the world entirely.
Snow White overheard enough of Regina’s furious phone calls that night to know she was in danger. Though Regina masked her cruelty with smiles and gifts in public, her true intentions had become impossible to ignore. Snow packed a small bag—a journal, a sketchpad, a toothbrush—and slipped out the back door before dawn.
She wandered for hours until she reached the edge of the city, where the towering skyscrapers gave way to dense woods and rolling hills. Here, situated in a quiet valley, Snow discovered a quaint eco-lodge surrounded by orchards and vegetable gardens. A sign read, Seven Pines Collective: A Sustainable Community.
The collective was run by seven friends, each with unique skills. They called themselves “dwarfs” as a nod to their modest beginnings, though their personalities were anything but small. Doc, the leader, had a knack for fixing anything mechanical; Grumpy was blunt but fiercely loyal; Happy radiated optimism while Bashful had a shy charm. Sneezy ran the greenhouse; Dopey handled tech; and Sleepy was their masterful chef who always seemed to be on the brink of a nap.
Though initially wary of the stranger, the group quickly warmed to Snow White. She, in turn, was grateful for their kindness and pitched in wherever she could—pruning trees, sketching plans for new cabins, and helping Sneezy design a planting schedule.
With the passage of time, Snow White’s disappearance abated Regina’s frustration. Her fire of jealousy was more like sulking ambers of fire. Still, she hired a bunch of investigators to keep an eye on her. But Alas! Even the internet could not scour her whereabouts.
Then, one day, as she scrolled through local news blogs, Regina spotted a photo of Snow White at the Seven Pines Collective. She was laughing, holding a basket of freshly picked apples, her hair tied back in a loose braid. Regina’s lips curled into a dangerous smile.
If Snow White wouldn’t stay gone willingly, Regina would ensure her disappearance herself.
Regina, ever the strategist, disguised herself as a travelling vendor selling artisanal products. She drove out to the collective one sunny afternoon, her sleek car packed with curated “gifts.” Her first attempt was a glossy comb infused with a chemical that caused dizziness and fatigue when used. Disguised as a cheerful entrepreneur, Regina charmed Snow White into trying it.
Snow collapsed shortly after brushing her hair, but Doc and Grumpy acted quickly, diagnosing the issue and flushing the toxins from her system. Snow recovered, shaken but unharmed.
Undeterred, Regina tried again. This time, she brought a stylish smartwatch, claiming it was a “thank-you gift for the collective’s eco-friendly work.” The watch was rigged to emit a low-frequency sound that could disrupt sleep patterns and mental clarity. Snow, ever gracious, accepted the gift but handed it to Dopey to calibrate. The tampering was quickly discovered, and the dwarfs disposed of the device.
Regina was livid. Her final plan, she vowed, would leave no room for failure.
The last attempt came in the form of an apple, bright red and impossibly glossy, laced with a powerful sedative. Regina returned to the collective one crisp autumn morning disguised as an elderly farmer. She hobbled up to Snow White, offering her the apple as a token of gratitude for helping a “neighbouring farm.”
Snow White hesitated, but the farmer’s warm smile and trembling hands made her relent. She took a bite.
The effect was immediate. Snow White’s vision blurred; her legs gave way; and she fell to the ground. The dwarfs rushed to her side, but she didn’t wake this time.
The news of her collapse spread through the city like wildfire. And the dwarfs, although shattered, were determined to dig the root cause of the matter. Thus, they spent day and night trying to figure out the cause and were finally able to scrutinize the ominous contents. Fully armed with the evidence, they notified the authorities.
In the meantime, Regina wallowed in her victory and was clueless about the entire situation. Her happiness, however, came to an end when the police arrived at her door with search warrants. She tried to wear the façade of innocence, but her payment slips of purchases gave it away. Her empire crumbled overnight; investors pulled out; the media exposed her schemes; and Regina was left disgraced.
On the other hand, at Seven Pines, Snow White’s condition lingered between life and death. Her beating heart was the only hope. Nevertheless, the dwarfs continued to care for her as they believed that she would wake up one day. But silently, a fear of death kept lurking around.
During the time of her illness, different people kept visiting her. One of them was a journalist, Alex. He used to come often and read her journals. Through the window of her journals and writings, he was getting familiar with her nature. He was moved by the tenderness and generosity tipping from her words. Over time, he started talking to her. He would recount her stories and would discuss the impacts of her words on him. One day, he was talking to her, and all of a sudden, she twitched. He immediately called dwarfs, and everyone gathered around Snow White. To everyone’s astonishment, she steadily opened her eyes. The dwarfs cried with joy. Hand in hand, they started to twirl while dancing.
Snow White’s recovery was a slow but self-ruminating process. The past events altered her outlook on life, and she began to embrace every little aspect of life. Alex was now a friend and a business partner to share ideas regarding the vision of her sustainable living.
As for Regina, she chained herself in a pit of her own diabolical desires. Her pompous arrogance thrust her into the sombrous abyss. In a nutshell, her satanic desire to watch Snow White’s downfall brought her tragic demise.