Tiago: A Furious Animal

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Tiago: A Furious Animal

There was a greenwood forest near Adeel’s house in green valley society. The society was small yet full of eye-soothing greenery, massive mountains, and a splendid view of a waterfall. The weather there was always cold. However, there was also a scary side of this society- a furious animal in the forest- that everyone was afraid to leave home at night, especially kids. They had the myth of the leviathan in their minds because of an incident where the natives witnessed the shadiness of a humongous animal with big sharp-looking teeth and pointed claws. It made them so frightened that they never tried to go to the forest in search of what actually was behind the scary shade.

Since Adeel had also heard many stories about it from almost everyone, his curious being used to think of going and checking it out. Thus, one day, he left his home towards the thick forest, passing by the crystal blue river. It was a scary night- scarier for Adeel himself-┬á with the pin-drop silence all around that Adeel hardly could walk. Finally, after a while, he reached a wooden hut. Mustering up his courage, he slowly opened the door and saw a little boy- the same age as Adeel- sitting at the last corner of the little room in fear. Adeel felt sympathetic. He went near him and asked, “Hey! Who are you? Why are you sitting here?” However, the boy got more frightened listening to an unknown voice and shrunk himself even more in the corner. Adeel relaxed the poor boy with his kind words and ensured he was not here to harm him. After the boy became normal, Adeel repeated the same questions. He replied, ” I belong to this forest; these woods are my home. I was eight years old when I came to this forest with my mother, but after six months, my mother died because she was very ill.” He further said, ” My father also died during my childhood; thus, I do not remember him.”

By hearing this, Adeel got even more curious. He asked the boy, “How are you living here when there is a furious animal around,” to which the boy revealed that the animal he was talking about and the whole society was afraid of was himself. He created it for the sake of his safety. “When I was seven years old, a group of people tried to harm me, but I ran and hid from them luckily. Still, I am hiding from them because I am afraid to go out.” Hence, in terms of protecting himself from others, he started scaring people so no one would think of harming him again. The boy added, “I never wanted to do such a thing. I tried several times to leave this forest but couldn’t because I had nowhere to go. Here, in the forest, at least I can drink water from the river and eat fruits from the trees.” After listening to all this, tears rolled down Adeel’s face. He realised how blessed he was; he had parents who were alive and loved him, friends who were close to him, and relatives who he could visit on weekends.

Further, he reflected that he had unlimited food, many clothes to wear, uncountable games to play, and school to go to. Now, sitting there recalling all the enjoyments and blessings of life, he came to know the reality of life that not everyone gets everything in this world. He must be thankful to the Almighty for all the perks he had been blessed with. The furious animal ÔÇô named Tiago ÔÇô turns out to be a timid and fearful boy. Adeel ÔÇô with the contentment of acknowledging his blessings and the pleasure of discovering the leviathan ÔÇô took Tiago to his home. Tiago was then titled THE BRAVE by the natives of society and started living with Adeel’s family happily ever after.

Be thankful for your blessings, and always help others get the blessings of the Almighty.


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