Whose birthday is it, Hareem?” the mother inquired her daughter.
“It is the Sun’s birthday because today is Sunday,” said Hareem.┬á
“Well, we do not know the Sun’s actual birthday, but I can tell you some facts about the star,” Hareem’s mother decided to teach her daughter some Sun-Facts. She continued, “There are billions of stars in our galaxy, but the extraordinary glorious Sun holds a special place in our lives. It is a yellow dwarf located at the center of the Solar system. It is a perfect sphere of scorching plasma of flashing gases. The Sun came into existence about 4.5 billion years ago after a gigantic cloud of Hydrogen gas and dust. Gravity caused the material to build into a sphere. Once it got big enough, the huge pressure inside it commenced a reaction that released enormous amounts of energy, causing the ball to light up and release heat.”
Wow, that’s magical!” exclaimed little Hareem. “Please, tell me more about the Sun,” said Hareem with excitement.┬á
“Alright, you must know that the Sun comprises 73% Hydrogen, 25% Helium, and smaller amounts of Oxygen, Carbon, Neon, Iron, and other elements. Moreover, it is so massive that it accounts for 99.86% of the absolute mass of the entire Solar System and holds a diameter of around 1.39 million kilometers. Comparatively, it is 109 times greater than the diameter of our planet. Interestingly, the Sun’s enormous gravity is about 28 times stronger than the Earth’s gravity.”
Seeing her daughter’s eyes sparkle at the facts, the mother continued, “The Sun has multiple layers: the Corona, photosphere, chromosphere, core, and the connective and radiative zones. The core is where the actual magic happens. It is the hottest part of the Sun, with the temperature reaching 15 million degrees Celsius.”
“Woahh! It means it is too hot. So, how does it cool down at night?” asked Hareem.┬á
“Dear daughter, the Sun does not cool down at night. Rather, the part of the Earth facing the Sun gets all the light while the part facing away experiences night.” the mother replied.
“Does it not get tired with continuous spinning and rotating in the Milky Way? Does the Sun even take rest or not?” Hareem asked innocently.┬á
“You know what would happen if the Sun took Rest?” the mother said, “the first thing to occur would be complete darkness around the world, and you would not be able to see even the moon. Then, there would be no gravitational force to hold the Earth, and we would all float away in space. Moreover, without sunlight, photosynthesis would cease. Thus, all plants and trees would die. Eventually, the temperature would drop; water would turn into ice, and all life would face the final chilling end. Finally, the wonderful Green planet Earth would turn into nothing but a deserted land floating aimlessly through space.”┬á
So, dear friends, we should all be thankful to the Almighty Allah for giving us the Sun, due to which everything is in perfect order.