Excited and buzzing more than he had ever felt before with anticipation, Jack was ready to start his first day at school. His mom had packed his lunchbox full of all his favourite fruits and healthy snacks. She watched him run across the living room—obviously, he could not wait to meet all his new teachers there and make new friends at kindergarten. As Mum pulled the car out of the garage, Jack skipped across and opened the passenger door with eager hands.
“Careful, Jack,” Mum said; she couldn’t help but smile at his energy.
“I am a big kid now, mum! I can do it,” Jack beamed, practically bouncing into his seat.
“Well, I can see that!” Mum laughed. She felt a mix of pride and a tiny bit of nervousness; her little boy was growing up so fast.
After a couple of minutes of driving, Mom pulled in at the school drop-off lane. As Jack saw the huge building and another mass of children make their way inside, his heart fluttered. His teacher, Ms. Aldrin, was standing at the door and greeted them with a warm smile on her face.
“Good morning, Jack! Welcome to kindergarten,” Ms. Aldrin greeted him cheerily. “You’re going to have lots of fun and learn so much this year!” Saying this, she guided Jack towards his classroom, going through a long corridor teeming with new admissions.
Jack’s eyes widened as he stepped into the classroom. “Whoa!” he gasped. The walls were covered in colourful posters, and a huge board displayed pictures of all his new classmates.
“Is my picture going to go on that board, too?” he asked, tugging at his bag.
“Yes, it will! And don’t worry, I’ve already asked your mum to send in your photo,” Ms Aldrin replied as she gently took his bag and helped him settle in.
As the day went on, Jack, being his easy-going self, found himself making new friends easily. He played on the monkey bars and the merry-go-round during recess, and he and his friends laughed together as they ran around the playground, feeling free and happy.
“This is the best day ever!” Jack shouted as he spun on the merry-go-round, his voice full of glee.
When the final bell rang, Mum was waiting at the gates. Her heart melted as Jack came running towards her, full of stories.
“Ms Aldrin is the best, Mum! She gave me a gold star for bringing a healthy lunch. And I made two new friends. Oh, and we have to make a family tree! I need a picture of Nonna—can you help me with that?” Jack’s words tumbled out in excitement as they drove home.
Mum smiled, listening patiently. “Of course, honey. We can find a picture of Nonna together. Her name is Anna May, remember?”
Jack nodded eagerly. “Yeah, Nonna! She always makes the best cookies when she visits!”
At home, Jack worked on his family tree, carefully writing down the names of his family members with Mum’s help. As the evening wound down, he ate his dinner, brushed his teeth, and finally climbed into bed, tired but happy.
“Mum?” Jack asked softly as she tucked him in.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Mum leaned down to kiss his forehead.
“Don’t forget to put that picture of me in my bag for Ms Aldrin.”
“It’s already done, love. You just focus on getting some sleep now.”
Jack smiled and closed his eyes as his bedside lamp cast a soft, soothing glow across the room. His first day of school had been full of joy, and he was already looking forward to the next.
With the gentle hum of the night around him, Jack drifted off into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of new adventures waiting for him at school the next day.