Everything is Possible

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Everything is Possible

This story is written by Gohar Ali Khan, a student of class 5.

Once upon a time, there was a boy named John Wick. His father’s name was Wick, and his mother’s name was Mary. They lived in a poor village and were penniless. John’s father died when he was five years old. He used to help his mother. When he was 15 years old, his mother got cancer. They didn’t have enough money to buy medicine. So, her son decided to go out of the village in search of a job. John went to a town, but when he got there, he saw a lot of issues. People there were always fighting, not helping others, and throwing trash everywhere. When John asked a guy, he said the people were breaking the law. 

The next day, he found a job as a mechanic and had to repair cars for a living. When he got his salary after a month, he sent it to his mother. Fortunately, he was able to save some money, so he started to study in his free time.

One year, five months later

As time passed, John worked harder and harder, and John became the owner of the car shop. He also kept sending money to his mother. Fortunately, his mother got well, and when he completed his studies, he met her with a gift.

He also decided that he would work for the good of the people and resolve their issues. And starting with himself, he kept his surroundings clean and did not break any rules. He tried his best to always stay honest and truthful.

Twenty years later

John ran for the elections and finally became the president of the country. His mother used to live with him. And people were always taking his photographs and asking him for autographs. Just like he had done in his life, he worked hard for his country, especially the villages in poor condition. John made sure that everybody had food and jobs. He also opened football and cricket grounds in the villages for kids who used to play in the streets. Eventually, with his honesty and hard work, John managed to change the fate of the whole country.


Everything is possible when you have three elements: faith, your parents’ prayers, and hard work. 


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