Always Stand up for your Rights

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Always Stand up for your Rights

This story is written by Shan e Maryam, a student of class 4.

Once upon a time, three boys were bullying a weak girl named Maham. One day Maham decided to talk about this with her mother. She went to her mom and said that bad boys constantly bullied her after school, and she was crying badly.

Her mom said, “Maham, don’t worry. You are so strong. They will never bully you again.”

Maham asked, “How, Mom?”

Her mom replied, “Just ignore them and go to sleep, my daughter.” Then they both went to sleep.                     

When Maham’s mom woke her up for school the next day, she said, “Mom, I don’t want to go to school.”

“Why, my sweety?” Asked her mom.

“Mom, the boys will bully me again, I know”, she said softly.

“My dear, don’t worry. You are brave enough to ignore them. Now go to school and stay safe,” replied her mother, kissing Maham on the forehead.

So, Maham went to school. But again, sadly, she came back home crying.

Her mother got so worried and asked, “What happened, my dear?”

“Mom, the boys bulled me again”, said Maham.

Mom said, “Don’t worry, my child. Be strong, and we will find a way to solve this problem together.”

Suddenly, Maham’s mind hit upon an idea. “Mom, do we have a right to do anything?” she questioned while wiping away her tears.

“Yes, we do. Let us think about it before we sleep.”, her mom replied.

After dinner, her mom asked how she wanted to stop the bullies. Maham jumped up from her chair and said, “Mom, can I join karate classes to learn how to defend myself?” she asked.

“That is such a great idea, Maham!” affirmed her mom.

So, the following day, Maham got herself enrolled in a karate class at the gymnasium and learnt the art of self-defense very quickly. Within a few weeks, she had mastered all the techniques.

After a few days, she saw the bullies in the ground. She had to cross the ground to get to her class. But this time, she was not afraid of them. When she passed by them, they again tried to bully her, but Maham made them learn their lesson. That day, she came home happily and told her mother how she had defended herself against bullying. She also said that the headmaster had seen the boys bully many students and had them expelled from school. He also appreciated Maham being wise enough to use her karate skills just to defend herself and not harm others.

From that day onwards, nobody at school dared bully anyone, and all the students were advised to join the karate lessons.


You should always defend yourself, and no one has the right to bully you.


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