Always Help The Needy

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Saving The World With Little Hands

Zara was a good student in her class. Her teachers were very fond of her. After a few days, a new girl named Ayesha came into her class with having similar nature. They quickly became friends due to similar habits and were good at studying. One day when Zara came, she noticed Ayesha was absent, which continued for a week. So, Zara decided to visit Ayesha. When she went to Ayesha’s home, she saw Ayesha was from a low-income family. Zara asked Ayesha’s mom the reason why Ayesha was not coming to school. Her mom told her they were poor and could not afford Ayesha’s study expenses, so they stopped sending her to school and decided to make her learn the skill of sewing clothes to earn something.

Zara was sad to hear this. When she came back home, she discussed this with her mom. Her mom gave her an idea. Zara decided to go to school regularly, and at the weekends, she visited Ayesha to teach all lectures and clarify her concepts. In this way, Ayesha was studying and learning to sew clothes simultaneously. The routine continued till their examinations were announced. Both friends gave their exams and passed them successfully, scoring well. After some time, when Ayesha became capable enough to afford her study expenses, she continued her study. After completing her study, Ayesha ran an organization where she helped underprivileged girls. The life which Ayesha was living, there was indeed Zara’s contribution.


We should look around to help the needy, contributing to improving their lives; for this, Allah will surely reward us here and in the hereafter.


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