Once upon a time, three friends lived in a jungle. Their names were Rabbit, Lion, and Turtle. They always cared about each other. Therefore, they were living a happy life, but a time came when a dreadful drought broke out in the jungle. No one was able to get food. Therefore, the lion decided to eat the rabbit, although the rabbit was the lion’s friend. Now the rabbit could sense this. However, despite this danger, the rabbit did not leave his friend alone.
On the other hand, the lion was also trying to control himself, not to eat his rabbit friend. So the turtle and rabbit planned to get food for the lion. The lion, being a big animal, needed some food; otherwise, he could die. Therefore, they started to search for some food. Fortunately, they found some food for the lion. When the rabbit and turtle brought food, the lion asked them, “You knew the intentions that I wanted to eat you, but why did you do that?” The rabbit replied, “My friend, I could feel your situation. No one can control his desires but only those who are good at heart. Although you wanted to eat me, you controlled your temptations. How could I leave you alone? You needed me, and I am always here for you to help.” After listening to this, tears were brought into the lion’s eyes, and he hugged his friends. So, the moral of the story is never to care only about yourself, even if you are in a difficult situation. If someone needs you, you should always help him. Control your desires as much as you can. It is only Allah SWT who can provide you everything. Those who defeat their inner self are the real heroes, and Allah helps them in any way.