God Watches Everything

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The Power Of Forgiveness

Once upon a time, Ali and his father decided to go for a picnic because Ali had a vacation from his school. On the decided day, he woke up excitedly in the morning, packed his bag, and headed towards the picnic point with his father. After some time, they reached the delightful area where Ali started playing and enjoying with his father. While walking through a beautiful garden there, he saw a huge tree full of ripened oranges and felt very hungry. “Oranges! Why wouldn’t I pick some oranges?” Ali thought. Suddenly, he jumped on a tree to pluck some oranges and expected his father would also get pleased after seeing these oranges. So he grabbed a few from the tree and went to his father. “Hurrah! I have many oranges to eat”, Ali said to his father. “From where did you get these oranges?” the father asked his son. “I saw a big orange tree in the garden, so I plucked some of them for us”, Ali said. ” It means you have stolen the oranges”, asked the father. “No, I didn’t. Nobody watched me picking those oranges”, Ali explained. “Son! Indeed, there was no one around you, but GOD always watches everything, whether good or bad,” his father advised him, “Promise me, you would never do anything like that again”. He assured, “Ok, Father! I understand. I will never steal anything from now on”, and went back to his home with his father later.

After many years, Ali’s city was hit by famine, and people were left with nothing to eat. At that difficult time, Ali\’s father decided to cut some wheat from the nearby fields. He said to Ali, “Son! Stand here and keep an eye on your surroundings. If anyone notices, just alarm me so that I come back in time”. While cutting wheat, Ali suddenly screamed, “Father! father! Someone is watching you”. On hearing his son’s voice, the father threw all the equipment and ran back hurriedly. In an inquiring way, he said, “I didn’t see anybody there. Why were you shouting?”

Ali replied in a very suggestive way, “Father! you told me GOD always watches us and watches our good or bad steps, whether we are surrounded by anyone or not”, Ali said. The whole conversation opened his father’s eyes. He got embarrassed but felt content with the point that his son was on the right path. Later, he decided never to do anything wrong in his life and came back home with his son.

God is always watching us, whether we do good or bad.


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