Envy Classmate

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Envy Classmate

Once, there was an art and science competition in a school. After regular studies in the class, the science teacher, Abida, made an announcement, “Who would do a good science project?” Among many other students, Meher and Inaya- the two talented students in the class – raised their hands with excitement at the earliest moment. After a lengthy discussion with their science teacher, both girls chose their models. “I will make a solar system model”, announced Meher, and “I want to make the 3D structure of the heart”, said Inaya. Preparing the projects with a lot of effort, the girls- the very next day- displayed them in front of everyone in the auditorium. Surprisingly, Meher’s project was appreciated by multiple people, including students and teachers. However, nobody noticed Inaya’s effort. She felt envious and thought, “I also made the best heart model with a lot of effort, and Meher just made balls, admired by everyone.”

Later, her jealousy reached its peak when the teacher placed Meher’s model in the Science lab as ‘the winner of the Science exhibition’. The unpleasant feeling of being unnoticed popped thousands of questions in Inaya’s mind: “Why was my project not appreciated, and why could I not become the winner?”. After the exhibition, the last nail in the coffin was when other students titled Mehar ‘The Genius Scientist’ and started asking her for help in their studies. Some days later, Inaya sneaked into the science lab and pulled Meher’s Model into parts with resentment. Immediately, one of the students came to Meher and told her that Inaya broke her model into pieces, which made her sad. In the inquiring way, Mehar asked Inaya, “Why did you do that?” She gasped heavily and confessed, “I’m sorry, I was jealous of your victory”, which shattered the genius scientist into pieces, and she stepped away.

Going back home, Inaya felt guilty because of her envy. She struggled not to cry, but she cried in front of her mother and confessed all she did in school. Lately, her mother hugged her warmly and said, “It sounds like you had a very rough day, honey”, and advised her, “Listen, Inaya! Being a Muslim, we are not allowed to envy other people”. Our last Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S. A. W) also told us, “Beware of envy, for verily it destroys good deeds just as fire destroys wood”. Therefore, don’t let your jealousy take away your good deeds and work hard next time so that you will become a winner. She promised her mother that she would never waste her good deeds again. The very next morning, when she saw Meher, her stomach jittered due to embarrassment; she apologized and promised Meher to make a new one together. In the end, both hugged and made new models further.

Never be envious; always be compassionate to others.


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